Felicity Auden is a self-taught woodcarver. After a Fine Art foundation course and training as a landscape architect she decided in 1979 to pursue a career in woodcarving, assisted considerably by the gift of a full set of cabinet makers tools from a distant relative.

Felicity’s subjects are usually British wildlife and her preferred woods are European hardwoods, particularly sycamore, cherry and ash. Carvings are always from a single piece of wood and her work is characterised by attention to line and form rather than intricate detail. Animals and birds are often carved in pairs or groups to add life and movement to the composition. Pieces are always freestanding and are often finely balanced.

Felicity works from photographs and drawings and apart from the initial rough blocking out on a bandsaw, all work is done by hand – including the sharpening of chisels. Carvings are sandpapered to a silky finish and several coats of wax polish are applied, to give the wood a natural lustre.