Jane Layton has been working with clay for a number of years now. ‘It all started when I enrolled on a ceramics course at Stonehall College in Birmingham’ she says. ‘I enjoyed the course very much, but the time I spent there went so quickly, all I seemed to do was long for my next class’. Jane would regularly take clay home, but realised it wasn't easy getting her pieces back to college without them getting damaged, so her tutor arranged for extra classes for her and a few of the other students, to give her more time to make and fire her work. It wasn't long until her own, unique style emerged and confirmed her real passion for working with clay.

Her tutor Roy Ashmore was a real inspiration and his help and encouragement made her believe in herself, ultimately giving her the confidence to invest in a kiln of her own.

The dogs and cats she now creates are her own interpretation of their many different characteristics, their expressions never fail to amuse and hopefully she captures this in her work.