Penny Gildea

Penny Gildeas current work concentrates mainly on small enameled bowls often with strong lapis blues or viridian greens in combination with the natural warmth of the copper beneath. Subtle pattern may be incorporated into these surfaces to create small gem like vessels which display a vibrancy and richness.

Pennys jewellery is predominately made in silver, combining the two techniques of engraving and enameling to produce a highly individual range of jewellery and small objects. This range is divided into four groups, cufflinks and earrings made from simple stamped shapes, necklaces made from enameled beads, semi-precious beads and pearls, more complex pieces of jewellery, bowls, boxes and other small items.

On gold and silver the variety and range of colours in transparent enamel is almost limitless and Penny is always happy to discuss with clients their individual needs and preferences.